Product Specifications

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Users often want to understand how this heater functions through natural convection, where air is drawn into the heater, warmed up, and then circulated throughout the room silently and consistently.

Safety is a common concern, and users ask if the heater has features like rounded corners, a grille that prevents access to the heating elements, and thermal protection to prevent overheating.

Customers frequently ask if the heater can be installed by themselves or if a certified electrician is required, especially considering warranty terms.

Users are interested in whether the heater includes a built-in thermostat and timer or if it needs to be paired with an external wall thermostat.

The warranty terms, such as the 2-year coverage for manufacturing defects and the 5-year warranty on heating elements, are important details users often inquire about.

With energy efficiency being a key concern, users want to know about the heater's programming functions that allow for scheduling based on home and office routines to save energy.